Sunday, June 26

"The Hangover Part II" by Todd Phillips

The Wolfpack is here all right, but it is what we expected??? That's the problem, it is exactly the same story in a different country, Thailand, with some typical chaotic experiences in Bangkok but nevertheless it makes us smile. It is disappointing but entertains in a more Sunday afternoon movie than a novelty.
Here Todd Phillips wanted to be bold and explore some other city than the Las Vegas sin city, he chose Bangkok, not bad of a choice if we consider the genre and the exotic and extraordinary stuffs that really happens there, especially involving ping pong balls. It is the perfect place to loose yourselves I guess, though I regretted putting again the Chow guy, it didn't please me in the first and I wanted him dead in the second... All in all everything happened in the same formula and even if we like to see the wolfpack together, one time is memorable, two is a bit pathological, some nice rewriting would do the trick, and the movie would take a  different road and that would be nice...After you are amazed you only see disturbed guys that pills and alcohol unleashe the worst on them, we've seen it's just boring.


Unknown said...

E já se fala da 3ª parte... sera que as pessoas vão continuar a dar dinheiro para ver a mesma historia novamente? mmmm...

SL said...

oh meu deus, a sério, isso é terrível!!!! bem acho que nos temos de habituar a este tipo de franchising.... qual será a nova cidade??? alguma na américa do sul, ou alguma cidade de leste da europa, ou até quem sabe amsterdão e o seu red district...

Unknown said...

Nada disso, ouvi dizer que era num sitio pior.. acho que vai ser na Buraca!!! :0

SL said...

uh ou nas favela do rio, depois morriam tds que achas?

Unknown said...

Acho que era um fechar de triologia perfeito!!!